Lest We Forget Slavery Museum is committed to ensuring the legacy of Slavery be told, “Lest We Forget"
African Slavery was the longest and most absolute involuntary form of human servitude known to man. The torture was both physical and psychological on every level. Slave life was totally centered on creating wealth for the slave owners and caring for their land and families. No system of slavery was ever more brutal and dehumanizing than the race-based slavery of the transatlantic slave trade.

To increase awareness of the impact of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade.
“To channel the strength and perseverance of African ancestors and exemplify the legacy of their greatness”
African Slavery was the longest and most absolute involuntary form of human servitude known to man. The torture was both physical and psychological on every level. Slave life was totally centered on creating wealth for the slave owners and caring for their land and families. No system of slavery was ever more brutal and dehumanizing than the race-based slavery of the Transatlantic slave trade.
“The Genocide of some 50-100 million African men, women and children and the enslavement of millions of others is the Black Holocaust”
– Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Our Museum
Our riveting artifacts speak for themselves and reveal the TRUE story of how differently “Coming To America” was for millions of enslaved African ancestors captured and brought to the Americas and other parts of the world.
The LWF’s vast number of Slave Bill of Sale documents authenticate how African human beings were bought & sold, and forced to work without pay for hundreds of years. Genuine “Jim Crow” objects, articles, segregation signs and other related material show how decades of bigotry and discrimination greatly impeded black achievement and continues to have a lasting impact today.
The Lest We Forget Slavery Museum and Traveling Exhibits tears the scab of mystery and shame off the subject of SLAVERY and shines light on the enduring spirit of our African American ancestors and the contributions they have made in the building of America. While slavery was a dark and tragic period in American history, acknowledging its existence and learning from its lessons will prevent history from repeating itself.
Factual Content
It is a FACT that America benefited directly from its participation in the African slave trade.
What is left as a tangible reminder of this disturbing period in American history are the artifacts, documents and images. Many of these are contained in the Ragsdale collection and presented at the Lest We Forget Slavery Museum. Recognizing what happened to African slaves, the pain and anguish they suffered through 246 years of chatel slavery and the ravages of racial prejudice against African Americans during 100 years of Jim Crow after the Emancipation Proclamation boggles the mind.
We present the truth in its historical context as a means to assure that it never happens again. There is a visceral experience when one examines up close the very hardware used in slavery. The artifacts combined with compelling narrative provide an awareness of a dark and tragic period in American history and convey an appreciation for the enduring strength and spirit of descendants of African American people and the contributions their ancestors made in the building of America.
Exhibits & Presentations
Authentic exhibits and informative presentations are included in both guided Museum Tours and Traveling Exhibits. Our programs are suitable for all ages* and ethnic groups. It is advised that the visitors view the collection prior to the presentation(s). Discussions about tolerance of differences and race relations is encouraged.
*Recommended 4th Grade and Up